This week Palestinian authority President Mahmoud Abbas has been in Washington meeting with Obama. Presumably this must be some kind of reward for Abbas having finally agreed to enter into indirect talks with the Israelis, after having had his many preconditions met, not least the demand that all construction for Jewish homes in Israel’s disputed territories be stopped. Yet something rather strange has been going on during these talks and during a press conference in Washington this week the mask almost threatened to slip.
Obama spoke of the need for Israel to continue to make progress regarding its ‘settlements’, although its hard to see how much more Israel can do on ‘settlement’ expansion considering that it is already enforcing a total freeze on Jewish construction in the West Bank. How much more frozen can Obama expect the freeze to be? Then the American President turned his attention to the Palestinian side and remarked that they too needed to make progress regarding incitement. To this Abbas indignantly declared that there was no incitement taking place on the part of the Palestinian Authority. Yet all indicators would point otherwise, including a recent report by the NGO Palestinian Media Watch which quite clearly shows that since the so called Peace Talks were resumed the Palestinian industry of hate and call to terror has been booming.
For while Abbas has been talking to the American President and international press of his commitment to coexistence with Israel he has been saying something troublingly different to his own people. Just a few weeks ago Abbas gave a speech broadcast on Palestinian Television in which he made quite clear that all Jews should have to leave Israel. Indeed as the latest report by Palestinian Media Watch so clearly demonstrates, since the start of peace talks the Palestinian Authority has, at every level of Palestinian society, incited hatred against Jews and Israel, called for its destruction, glorified terrorism and encouraged Palestinian children to aspire to join in armed struggle against the Jewish State. Those bothering to keep an eye open will have witnessed even top members of the Palestinian leadership apologising to their people for the cessation of violence against Israel and assuring them that it will commence again soon. For as Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Religious Affairs Minister in the Palestinian Authority, explained in a public address on the 14th of May this year; peace must be a 4th rate priority for the Palestinians.
This incitement for the destruction of Israel through terror has taken place in everything from Palestinian school text books and kids TV programmes through to crosswords in newspapers and on television game shows. This year’s Palestinian Women’s Day on May the 17th was dedicated to the memory of Dalal Mugrahbi and a square in Ramallah was named after her. Who was Dalal Mugrahbi? No not a renowned Palestinian Feminist or Rights Activist but a female terrorist who was responsible for killing 37 Israelis during a bus hijacking. Meanwhile May was also a wonderful month for anyone who enjoys a good healthy combination football and Islamic terrorism. One Palestinian football team was named after Fatah terror mastermind Majed Abu Sharar while Abdallah Daoud, of the 2002 militant uprising in Bethlehem and organiser of several other terror attacks was honoured with an entire football tournament being named after him. Perhaps most chilling to watch is the footage from the June 2010 Palestinian Culture and Education Festival which featured jihadis dancing around the stage with rifles while singing of their will to martyrdom. An insight into Palestinian culture and education if ever there was one.
You can watch those festivities here:
Under the terms of the Oslo Peace agreements both Israel and the Palestinians are obligated to educate their populations for peace and Hillary Clinton has made perfectly clear that Palestinian cooperation in this matter is an essential element of peace talks being successful. Yet as all the evidence shows incitement to hate and terror is still alive and well under Abbas’ leadership and one has to ask how Israel can be expected to conduct negotiations with a Palestinian leadership that is still taking steps towards facilitating the ultimate destruction of the Jewish State.
Obama spoke of the need for Israel to continue to make progress regarding its ‘settlements’, although its hard to see how much more Israel can do on ‘settlement’ expansion considering that it is already enforcing a total freeze on Jewish construction in the West Bank. How much more frozen can Obama expect the freeze to be? Then the American President turned his attention to the Palestinian side and remarked that they too needed to make progress regarding incitement. To this Abbas indignantly declared that there was no incitement taking place on the part of the Palestinian Authority. Yet all indicators would point otherwise, including a recent report by the NGO Palestinian Media Watch which quite clearly shows that since the so called Peace Talks were resumed the Palestinian industry of hate and call to terror has been booming.
For while Abbas has been talking to the American President and international press of his commitment to coexistence with Israel he has been saying something troublingly different to his own people. Just a few weeks ago Abbas gave a speech broadcast on Palestinian Television in which he made quite clear that all Jews should have to leave Israel. Indeed as the latest report by Palestinian Media Watch so clearly demonstrates, since the start of peace talks the Palestinian Authority has, at every level of Palestinian society, incited hatred against Jews and Israel, called for its destruction, glorified terrorism and encouraged Palestinian children to aspire to join in armed struggle against the Jewish State. Those bothering to keep an eye open will have witnessed even top members of the Palestinian leadership apologising to their people for the cessation of violence against Israel and assuring them that it will commence again soon. For as Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Religious Affairs Minister in the Palestinian Authority, explained in a public address on the 14th of May this year; peace must be a 4th rate priority for the Palestinians.
This incitement for the destruction of Israel through terror has taken place in everything from Palestinian school text books and kids TV programmes through to crosswords in newspapers and on television game shows. This year’s Palestinian Women’s Day on May the 17th was dedicated to the memory of Dalal Mugrahbi and a square in Ramallah was named after her. Who was Dalal Mugrahbi? No not a renowned Palestinian Feminist or Rights Activist but a female terrorist who was responsible for killing 37 Israelis during a bus hijacking. Meanwhile May was also a wonderful month for anyone who enjoys a good healthy combination football and Islamic terrorism. One Palestinian football team was named after Fatah terror mastermind Majed Abu Sharar while Abdallah Daoud, of the 2002 militant uprising in Bethlehem and organiser of several other terror attacks was honoured with an entire football tournament being named after him. Perhaps most chilling to watch is the footage from the June 2010 Palestinian Culture and Education Festival which featured jihadis dancing around the stage with rifles while singing of their will to martyrdom. An insight into Palestinian culture and education if ever there was one.
You can watch those festivities here:
Under the terms of the Oslo Peace agreements both Israel and the Palestinians are obligated to educate their populations for peace and Hillary Clinton has made perfectly clear that Palestinian cooperation in this matter is an essential element of peace talks being successful. Yet as all the evidence shows incitement to hate and terror is still alive and well under Abbas’ leadership and one has to ask how Israel can be expected to conduct negotiations with a Palestinian leadership that is still taking steps towards facilitating the ultimate destruction of the Jewish State.
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