This is a question that Tony Blair must have been wrestling with for some years now, for Lauren Booth would appear to have made embarrassing the former Prime Minister her life’s work, only not quite. There is one pursuit that seems to take precedence over humiliating her brother-in-law; spreading as much hate as is humanly possible against the Jewish State of Israel.
From her ineloquent and childish columns and speeches that so compliment her simplistic and infantile thinking it doesn’t take long to realise that clearly the woman is a fool. Fools and madmen can be all too easily dismissed, usually rightly so, but in the character of Lauren Booth there is someone who is symptomatic of a phenomenon that goes far wider than her own drivel laden wittering. And while much of what she has written about has indeed been dull and self-pitying drivel about her personal life she like the wider phenomenon that she represents has an all together more dangerous streak.
This weekend Booth was one of the speakers at the 20,000 strong rally furiously protesting the death of the eight militants who attacked the Israeli Sailors sent to prevent them braking Israel’s naval blockade of Hamas. Just to repeat: that’s 20,000 protestors for eight dead, fortunately there hasn’t been quite the same ratio of protestors for the hundreds of thousands murdered in Darfur, the Metropolitan Police never could have coped you know. After having told her elated crowed not to watch the BBC because it had dared to feature an Israeli spokesperson, or ‘Israeli killer Zionist’ as Booth so articulately put it, she went on to say something far more chilling.
‘You wanna know something? I don’t care about Israel’s security’ she delivered coldly and calmly before bellowing down the microphone ‘I don’t give a damn!’
This statement she confidently justified with the claim that because of its conduct Israel doesn’t deserve security. Oh well that’s okay then.
But no, it’s not okay is it. Is she really telling us that Israeli civilians deserve to die because of the actions of their government? Even if the Israeli government were engaged in all the murderous campaigns that Booth claims does she really believe that Palestinian terrorists would then be entitled to kill Israeli children simply because they are Jewish Israelis? It would seem that she does.
Indeed she went on to say that the world should take up arms against Israel in revenge. Peace activists just ain’t what they used to be.
Back in 2009, at another mass rally against Israel’s right to self-defence, Booth had declared ‘when Israel kills a Gazan child, they kill my child’. One can only fear for the welfare of children whose mother can make such shamefully disingenuous and flippant remarks. Yet her comments almost make a little more sense when viewed along with her claim in the same speech to be ‘proud to be from Gaza’ which she then followed by leading the crowed in a chant of ‘we are all Palestinian’.
Ms Booth is of course from Southern England as were most of the other protestors and one might further ask why they weren’t all ‘Tibetans’ or ‘Darfurians’, don’t these peoples deserve just a little humanitarian solidarity also? In claiming to all be Palestinian Booth and her adherents were revealing what they really believe the core of the Palestinian identity to be; opposition of the State of Israel. For these people being Palestinian is not about being an Arab from a particular part of the Middle East, no a Palestinian must be someone who fights against the Jewish State and therefore any Westerner who joins them in that fight, no matter how half-heartedly, is also Palestinian. The two identities flow and merge into one it would seem.
And on the subject of identities merging it is worth noting that Booth also now works as a presenter for the Iranian mouthpiece Press TV, no Israeli spokespeople are featured there you can rest assured. On that channel you can watch Booth sporting a rather unfetching headscarf and carrying out interviews with the likes of suicide bomber wannabe Jenny Tonge, the two no doubt struggling not to outdo one another in the act of closet Jew hatred. But there is something truly sickening about seeing women who were clearly not raised Muslim now willingly donning the scarf. This is not simply turning back the clock on hard fought for women’s rights, this is introducing new types of female oppression that are totally alien to this society and that the likes of Emily Pankhurst could never have imagined having to battle against.
This is really the crux of the matter when it comes to a problem like Lauren Booth. Many have remarked on the strange alliance being formed between the illiberal Left and hardline Islamists, yet now the likes of Booth and George Galloway have so slavishly repeated the Islamist propaganda that they have crossed a threshold where they have ceased to simply be in alliance with these people but rather have become indistinguishable from them.
In Blackburn Booth spoke at a large protest, of mostly Muslim men, organised by the Islamic community there. After whipping up the crowed into a frenzy by telling them how discriminated against Muslims in this country are she proceeded with one of the most vile and hate filled tirades against Israel imaginable. Replacing the word ‘Israel’ with ‘the Jews’ in her address to 10,000 Muslims would have produced a speech that might have been the envy of Joseph Goebbels:
“We will fight for you and your children! And we have a message to you, Israel. You’re finished. That’s it. No more stories about self-defense. No, no, that’s over. You – you are the nation of hate! And you are the criminals – that we detest! … We are angry, and we want Israel out of this country!”
Indeed Lauren Booth has often referred to Gaza as a concentration camp and questioned how those who were in concentration camps themselves could do such a thing. But as the photo below of a rather well nourished Booth in a rather well stocked shop in Gaza would suggest she must know of some rather different concentration camps to the ones the rest of us are familiar with.
How do you solve a problem like Lauren Booth, I’m not sure. But there maybe many more Lauren Booths coming our way soon and they will constitute a real problem.
Here’s a photo of the delightful Lauren picking up a few snacks from a shop in Gaza while on her holiday there in 2008 (during the supposed blockade).

From her ineloquent and childish columns and speeches that so compliment her simplistic and infantile thinking it doesn’t take long to realise that clearly the woman is a fool. Fools and madmen can be all too easily dismissed, usually rightly so, but in the character of Lauren Booth there is someone who is symptomatic of a phenomenon that goes far wider than her own drivel laden wittering. And while much of what she has written about has indeed been dull and self-pitying drivel about her personal life she like the wider phenomenon that she represents has an all together more dangerous streak.
This weekend Booth was one of the speakers at the 20,000 strong rally furiously protesting the death of the eight militants who attacked the Israeli Sailors sent to prevent them braking Israel’s naval blockade of Hamas. Just to repeat: that’s 20,000 protestors for eight dead, fortunately there hasn’t been quite the same ratio of protestors for the hundreds of thousands murdered in Darfur, the Metropolitan Police never could have coped you know. After having told her elated crowed not to watch the BBC because it had dared to feature an Israeli spokesperson, or ‘Israeli killer Zionist’ as Booth so articulately put it, she went on to say something far more chilling.
‘You wanna know something? I don’t care about Israel’s security’ she delivered coldly and calmly before bellowing down the microphone ‘I don’t give a damn!’
This statement she confidently justified with the claim that because of its conduct Israel doesn’t deserve security. Oh well that’s okay then.
But no, it’s not okay is it. Is she really telling us that Israeli civilians deserve to die because of the actions of their government? Even if the Israeli government were engaged in all the murderous campaigns that Booth claims does she really believe that Palestinian terrorists would then be entitled to kill Israeli children simply because they are Jewish Israelis? It would seem that she does.
Indeed she went on to say that the world should take up arms against Israel in revenge. Peace activists just ain’t what they used to be.
Back in 2009, at another mass rally against Israel’s right to self-defence, Booth had declared ‘when Israel kills a Gazan child, they kill my child’. One can only fear for the welfare of children whose mother can make such shamefully disingenuous and flippant remarks. Yet her comments almost make a little more sense when viewed along with her claim in the same speech to be ‘proud to be from Gaza’ which she then followed by leading the crowed in a chant of ‘we are all Palestinian’.
Ms Booth is of course from Southern England as were most of the other protestors and one might further ask why they weren’t all ‘Tibetans’ or ‘Darfurians’, don’t these peoples deserve just a little humanitarian solidarity also? In claiming to all be Palestinian Booth and her adherents were revealing what they really believe the core of the Palestinian identity to be; opposition of the State of Israel. For these people being Palestinian is not about being an Arab from a particular part of the Middle East, no a Palestinian must be someone who fights against the Jewish State and therefore any Westerner who joins them in that fight, no matter how half-heartedly, is also Palestinian. The two identities flow and merge into one it would seem.
And on the subject of identities merging it is worth noting that Booth also now works as a presenter for the Iranian mouthpiece Press TV, no Israeli spokespeople are featured there you can rest assured. On that channel you can watch Booth sporting a rather unfetching headscarf and carrying out interviews with the likes of suicide bomber wannabe Jenny Tonge, the two no doubt struggling not to outdo one another in the act of closet Jew hatred. But there is something truly sickening about seeing women who were clearly not raised Muslim now willingly donning the scarf. This is not simply turning back the clock on hard fought for women’s rights, this is introducing new types of female oppression that are totally alien to this society and that the likes of Emily Pankhurst could never have imagined having to battle against.
This is really the crux of the matter when it comes to a problem like Lauren Booth. Many have remarked on the strange alliance being formed between the illiberal Left and hardline Islamists, yet now the likes of Booth and George Galloway have so slavishly repeated the Islamist propaganda that they have crossed a threshold where they have ceased to simply be in alliance with these people but rather have become indistinguishable from them.
In Blackburn Booth spoke at a large protest, of mostly Muslim men, organised by the Islamic community there. After whipping up the crowed into a frenzy by telling them how discriminated against Muslims in this country are she proceeded with one of the most vile and hate filled tirades against Israel imaginable. Replacing the word ‘Israel’ with ‘the Jews’ in her address to 10,000 Muslims would have produced a speech that might have been the envy of Joseph Goebbels:
“We will fight for you and your children! And we have a message to you, Israel. You’re finished. That’s it. No more stories about self-defense. No, no, that’s over. You – you are the nation of hate! And you are the criminals – that we detest! … We are angry, and we want Israel out of this country!”
Indeed Lauren Booth has often referred to Gaza as a concentration camp and questioned how those who were in concentration camps themselves could do such a thing. But as the photo below of a rather well nourished Booth in a rather well stocked shop in Gaza would suggest she must know of some rather different concentration camps to the ones the rest of us are familiar with.
How do you solve a problem like Lauren Booth, I’m not sure. But there maybe many more Lauren Booths coming our way soon and they will constitute a real problem.
Here’s a photo of the delightful Lauren picking up a few snacks from a shop in Gaza while on her holiday there in 2008 (during the supposed blockade).

And another........

And here are some videos of Ms Booth speaking in Blackburn and at this weekends anti-Israel festivities.
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