With the Western media fanatically covering every minutia of events in Israel to the point where Jews in the West Bank can’t build an extension on their home or illegally built Palestinian structures in Jerusalem can’t be demolished without the world’s media commenting and passing judgement on it you’d think that if 40 Palestinian homes were bulldozed you’d get to hear about it, wouldn’t you? Well in this case you probably won’t have. And the reason that you won’t have heard about it is because the ones doing the demolition work was Hamas, whose ever growing savage list of misdemeanours are protected by a blanket of silence in the West’s Liberal press.
Last week residents of Rafah, a town in southern Gaza, were forced from their homes by policeman wielding batons only to watch their homes demolished before their eyes. Unsurprisingly for this totalitarian Islamist terror state the media were of course restricted from entering the area while all of the destruction took place. The reason given for the demolitions was that these homes were built illegally on government land, a notion instantly thrown out of court when ever Israel demolishes Palestinian homes constructed without housing permits. Another 180 houses are slated for demolition in Rafah and no alternative measures have been taken to accommodate the residents of any of these houses, just as no compensation has been offered to any of the victims either. With a shortage of housing and building materials these acts will undoubtedly only exacerbate the unprecedented level of human suffering that Hamas has already caused in Gaza, yet the world seems unmoved.
Had Israel demolished 40 Palestinian homes there would have been an all together different response. The newspapers would have over flown with emotive pictures and venomous language condemning Israel as the perpetrator of ethnic cleansing. Panorama would have aired a documentary and Newsnight a special report. Perhaps the White House would have issued a statement calling such acts on the part of Israel ‘unconducive for peace’ and maybe the UN would have commissioned an enquiry or passed a resolution. But no there has been none of this.
Last week residents of Rafah, a town in southern Gaza, were forced from their homes by policeman wielding batons only to watch their homes demolished before their eyes. Unsurprisingly for this totalitarian Islamist terror state the media were of course restricted from entering the area while all of the destruction took place. The reason given for the demolitions was that these homes were built illegally on government land, a notion instantly thrown out of court when ever Israel demolishes Palestinian homes constructed without housing permits. Another 180 houses are slated for demolition in Rafah and no alternative measures have been taken to accommodate the residents of any of these houses, just as no compensation has been offered to any of the victims either. With a shortage of housing and building materials these acts will undoubtedly only exacerbate the unprecedented level of human suffering that Hamas has already caused in Gaza, yet the world seems unmoved.
Had Israel demolished 40 Palestinian homes there would have been an all together different response. The newspapers would have over flown with emotive pictures and venomous language condemning Israel as the perpetrator of ethnic cleansing. Panorama would have aired a documentary and Newsnight a special report. Perhaps the White House would have issued a statement calling such acts on the part of Israel ‘unconducive for peace’ and maybe the UN would have commissioned an enquiry or passed a resolution. But no there has been none of this.
The silence is not simply the result of the hypocritical and pseudo-racist attitude that fails to condemn governments in the developing world for acts that if committed by a Western nation would be labelled unforgivable crimes but rather it betrays the true motives of those who claim to care about the welfare of the Palestinians. Quite simply they don’t. If they did then they would speak out every time that Hamas or the Palestinian Authority carried out gruesome public executions, persecuted their Christian minority or stole millions of dollars in humanitarian aid for terror and private bank accounts. What those who present themselves as the champions of the rights of the Palestinian people really care about is ripping the Jewish State to shreds. And this they do as and whenever the opportunity presents itself, otherwise they remain silent.
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